For Families
Resources and Links
Cohutta After School Care
ASC is a prepaid program. The price is $8 per day. The program runs from 2:45-6:00. There is a late charge of $1 per minute after 6:00. Staying in ASC is a privilege, not a right. Our school rules apply to ASC, and if behavior problems occur, students may be suspended from ASC.
All payments will be made in the office with Mrs. Kim until 3 pm. Payments after 3 pm can be made with ASC workers.
Checkout locations: Check-out will be in the front office until 3:30 pm. Afterward, check-out books will follow the students. For example, if the students are outside, they can be checked out at the pavilion. If the students are inside due to inclement weather, they will be in the gym.
Group bathroom breaks will be taken on the way to scheduled locations, and kids will be allowed to use the bathroom and get water as needed throughout the day.
Homework and reading time will be given each day. Students are expected to complete any homework/missing work they have, and if they do not have assigned homework, they will be expected to read silently, with a partner, or with an ASC worker.
Title I Information
Parent's Right to Know
August 8, 2024
In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act, Whitfield County Schools would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/ or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:
- Whether the student’s teacher…
- has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
- is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and
- is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/ or paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact Principal, Lisa Gregg at (706) 694-8812.
Cohutta Elementary's Annual School Report Card
View the Annual School Report Card
The Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) prepares Georgia's State, Local and School Annual Report Cards. The Annual Report Cards contain test results as well as other information relevant to school performance toward the goals of student achievement and school completion. The Report Card is in compliance with both state and federal laws with respect to reporting requirements. GOSA partners with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to produce the K-12 Public Schools Reports since much of the data comes from GaDOE.
School-Parent Compacts
School-Parent Compacts (Revised May 13, 2024)
- What is a school-parent compact?
- Jointly Developed
- Activities to Build Partnerships
- Communication About Student Learning
- Our Goals for Student Achievement District Goal(s)
- School Goal(s) and Focus Areas(s)
- Kindergarten Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
- First Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
- Second Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
- Third Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
- Fourth Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
- Fifth Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
What is a school-parent compact?
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards.
Effective compacts:
- Link to goals of the school improvement plan
- Focus on student learning skills
- Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction
- Share strategies parents can use at home
- Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
- Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom.
Jointly Developed
The parents, students, and staff of Cohutta Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added ideas to make them more specific, and students told us what would help them learn. Meetings are held annually to review the Compact and make changes based on student needs.
Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time.
If you would like to share a suggestion, please contact: Karen Bible at 706-694-8812 or email at .
Activities to Build Partnerships
Cohutta Elementary is committed to providing ways to build a deeper partnership between home and school. The following events offer parents the chance to work together with our school to provide fun, educational opportunities for all students:
- Meet the Teacher Event
- Book Fair
- Annual Title 1 Meeting
- Fall Festival
- Career Day
- Read Around Town
- Title 1 CDM Math & Science Night, & Milestones Mtg.
- Parent Input Meetings
Communication About Student Learning
Cohutta Elementary is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
- Communication folders
- Updates on the school website
- Classroom and school newsletters
- Class Dojo
- Parent-teacher conferences
Do you have questions about your child’s progress?
Contact your child’s teacher at 706-694-8812 or e-mail. E-mail addresses are on the school website at
Our Goals for Student Achievement District Goal(s)
Goal 1: Increase the WCS graduation rate from 85.29% to 87.29% over the next three years for all students.
Goal 2: Reduce the achievement gap(s) in English Language Arts & Mathematics.
Goal 3: To increase the capacity of all WCS teachers and leaders to enhance student learning through evidence-based professional learning.
School Goal(s) and Focus Areas(s)
Cohutta Elementary administrators and teachers have studied our student performance data to determine the most important areas of improvement for our school.
Goal 1: During the 2025-2027 school years, CES will increase the # of students meeting their projected growth targets, in the area of ELA each year, according to MAP.
Goal 2: During the 2025-2027 school years, CES will increase the # of students meeting their projected growth targets, in the area of Math each year, according to MAP.
Goal 3: During the 2025-2027 school years, teachers will improve feedback given to students & parents on student classwork and assessments.
Kindergarten Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
In the Kindergarten Classroom
The Kindergarten team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in ELA, reading & math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
- Classroom Newsletters that share websites that support reading & math
- Sending reading log to encourage reading
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Kindergarten parents suggested the following ideas:
- Positive attitudes
- Check Dojo & Red Folders daily
- Read at home & Count Everyday
- Make sure homework is completed, signed, & returned
- Encourage academic & emotional growth
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and ELA/Reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Read every night
- Practice math game every night
- Come to school everyday
- Have a positive attitude
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
First Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
The First Grade team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
Give students the opportunity to read, grade level books
- Parent conferences as needed to discuss progress and concerns
- Provide online login information
- Weekly Newsletters
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. First grade parents suggested the following ideas:
- Read everyday
- Practice math facts
- Practice sight words
- Check Dojo & folders daily
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Read every night
- Online learning games
- Practice sight words each night
- Be at school & be prepared
- Follow the “Bulldog Way”
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
Second Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
The Second Grade team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
- Regular and consistent communication with families regarding academics & behavior
- Parent & student Conferences to discuss student growth
- Sending work home regularly
- Use data to guide instruction
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Second grade parents suggested the following ideas:
- Read together
- Check Class Dojo & red folders daily
- Communicate with the teacher
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and ELA/Reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Go to sleep early.
- Read every day.
- Bring backpack, folder, & books daily.
- Complete weekly must-dos
- Follow classroom expectations
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
Third Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
The Third Grade team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
- Provide notes & helps for parents
- Send weekly newsletters
- Provide feedback for students
- Weekly fluency & comprehension homework to build academic vocabulary & comprehension
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Third grade parents suggested the following ideas:
- Make sure homework is completed
- Read together
- Go over graded work that comes home & check on grades in Parent Portal
- Play learning/educational games
- Encourage & provide positive feedback
- Read weekly newsletter
- Check Dojo daily
- Check in on status of Must-Do’s daily
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and ELA/Reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Complete assignments
- Study/read at home
- Be active listeners
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
Fourth Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
The Fourth-Grade team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
- Communicate ways to help with work at home
- Provide feedback on graded work
- Provide Newsletters
- Keep gradebook up to date
- Communicate with parents if their child is struggling
- Regular communication through Dojo
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Fourth grade parents suggested the following ideas:
- Help with “Must-do’s” that do not get completed at school
- Read with my child
- Learn multiplication facts through 12
- Check Infinite Campus/Parent Portal weekly
- Check Dojo & Red folders nightly
- Be prepared with school supplies
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and ELA/Reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Complete classroom work on time
- Use “Must-Do “list to stay organized
- Practice multiplication facts
- Check Infinite Campus Student Portal for missing assignments.
- Read AR
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
Fifth Grade Compact (Revised May 13, 2024)
(Revised May 13, 2024)
Teacher/ School Responsibilities
The Fifth Grade team will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some ways we can meet our goals and create key connections with families will be:
- Differentiate math skills as needed to meet student needs
- Have small group/strategy groups to meet student needs
- Send more parent guidance information home
- Keep Infinite Campus updated
- Utilize spiral review throughout the year
Family Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Fifth grade parents suggested the following ideas:
- Check folders
- Sign agendas
- Make sure child turns in correct & completed work
- Use Dojo for communication
- Check Infinite Campus
- Make sure student is prepared & on time for school
- Prioritize attendance
Student Responsibilities
Cohutta Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach their potential in math and ELA/Reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school.
- Read every night
- Study
- Complete, correct, & return papers
- Do math at home
- Pay attention
- Complete work
Downloadable English Compact Downloadable Spanish Compact
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Plan for Shared Student Success
- What is Title 1?
- What is a school plan for shared student achievement?
- How is it revised?
- Who is it for?
- Where is it available?
- 2024-2025 District Goals
- CES School Improvement Goals
- School-Parent Compacts
- Let's Get Together
- Parent Resource Center
- Parental Involvement
- Cohutta Elementary is Branching Out!
- Parental Involvement Standards
- Helping at Home
- How to Contact Us for More Information, Suggestions, Concerns or to Volunteer at CES
What is Title 1?
What is Title I?
Cohutta Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards to reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with all parents a written parental involvement policy.
What is a school plan for shared student achievement?
What is it?
This is a plan that describes how Cohutta Elementary will provide opportunities to improve parent engagement to support student learning. Cohutta Elementary values the contributions and involvement of parents to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Cohutta Elementary will support parent engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home.
How is it revised?
How is it revised?
Parent input and comments regarding this plan are welcome during the school year. The plan is posted on our school website for parents to view and submit feedback throughout the year. All parent feedback received during the year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. We also distribute an annual survey online to ask parents for their suggestions on the plan and the use of funds for parental involvement. Parents can also give feedback during parent meetings, including parent teacher conferences, and other activities during the school year.
Who is it for?
Who is it for?
All students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Cohutta Elementary will provide full opportunity for the participation of parents with limited English, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.
Where is it available?
Where is it available?
At the beginning of the year, the plan is made available to all students and their families at our Meet the Teacher event. It will also be posted on the school website. The plan and other important documents will be available at all parent/teacher conferences. Parents can also retrieve a copy of the plan by contacting the CES Parent Resource Center, through the school office.
2024-2025 District Goals
2024-2025 District Goals
Goal 1: Increase the WCS graduation rate from 85.29% to 87.29% over the next three years for all students.
Goal 2: Reduce the achievement gap(s) in English Language Arts & Mathematics.
Goal 3: To increase the capacity of all WCS teachers and leaders to enhance student learning through evidence-based professional learning.
CES School Improvement Goals
Goal 1: During the 2025-2027 school years, CES will increase the # of students meeting their projected growth targets, in the area of ELA each year, according to MAP.
Goal 2: During the 2025-2027 school years, CES will increase the # of students meeting their projected growth targets, in the area of Math each year, according to MAP.
Goal 3: During the 2025-2027 school years, teachers will improve feedback given to students & parents on student classwork and assessments.
School-Parent Compacts
School-Parent Compacts
As part of this plan, Cohutta Elementary and our families will develop a school-parent compact, which is an agreement that parents, teachers, and students will develop that explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards. The compacts will be reviewed and updated annually based on feedback from parents, students, and teachers at various times throughout the school year. Additional copies of the school-parent compacts are kept with each child’s teacher if parents need another copy.
Let's Get Together
Let’s Get Together
Here are a few of the events that Cohutta Elementary will host to build the capacity for strong parental involvement to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement.
Meet the Teacher-August 7
Parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher, and receive information about CES.
Fall Book Fair - September 16-20 Spring Book Fair - March
Annual Title I Meeting- September 26
We invite you to attend our Annual Title 1 meeting. At this event, we will be sharing about our Title I program, and parent requirements of the Parent/School Compacts. We will also be sharing information about our School Improvement Plan, & Family Engagement Policy. Invitation flyers will be sent home with students. Details will also be posted and made available on our school website, social media, & Class Dojo accounts.
Career Day- October 10
Students have the opportunity to learn about many possible career choices. Families can enjoy our Career Day Parade through the town of Cohutta.
Family Literacy Night Read Around Town –October 24
Families will have the opportunity to engage in literacy with their child in this community event.
Title 1 Math & Science Night- February 6
At this family event, families will have an opportunity to engage in math and science activities at CES .
Milestones information Meeting –
Parents of third through fifth graders can learn important information about the Georgia Milestones Assessment.
Parent/Teacher Conferences-
Teachers will be scheduling conferences throughout the school year. Title 1 Documents will be made available for input upon request. We welcome your feedback.
Parent Input Meetings -
Parents are invited to Parent Input meetings held at different times of the year. Parents will be able to view important Title 1 documents, such as the, School Improvement Plan, School-Parent Compacts, Family Engagement Policy, in addition to giving input on funding for parent involvement activities, and more. We will also send out parent surveys during the year for those who cannot attend the input meetings.
We welcome parents to give feedback at each event.
Dates subject to change
Parent Resource Center
Parental Involvement
Parental Involvement
Cohutta Elementary believes that parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular two-way, meaningful communication discussing student academic learning and other school activities.
We believe that parent involvement should ensure:
· That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
· That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education.
· That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
· The carrying out of other activities as described in this plan.
Cohutta Elementary is Branching Out!
Cohutta Elementary is Branching Out!
Cohutta Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support parents as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. We will:
- Ensure that all information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent home with students, is posted on the school web site, and is included in the school newsletter for all parents.
- Provide trainings for staff on strategies to improve communication with parents and ideas to increase family engagement. Staff will also share best practices during regularly scheduled faculty meetings.
- Share information on the school web site, social media, and in the school newsletter for parents to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as the ways parents can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
- Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding school-wide events and activities, through phone messages, social media, and flyers.
- Work with our parents to develop relevant trainings and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parental involvement.
- Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents to help them work with their child to improve their child’s achievement.
- Use our School Council at Cohutta to discuss ways to improve awareness of the activities and events listed in the school parental involvement policy.
- Put parents in touch with various community resources such as literacy and computer classes to help further enhance their various educational levels.
- Collect feedback from parents at events throughout the year.
Parental Involvement Standards
Parental Involvement Standards
Cohutta Elementary and our parents have adopted the National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships as the school’s model in engaging parents, students, and the community. These standards are:
1. Welcoming All Families
2. Communicating Effectively
3. Supporting Student Success
4. Speaking Up for Every Child
5. Sharing Power
6. Collaborating with Community
Helping at Home
Helping at Home
One of the most frequent questions we get from parents is, “How can I help my child at home?” Fortunately, there are lots of ways. Here are just a few. For more, check with your child’s teacher:
- Read to and with your child each day.
- Find fun ways to apply skills being learned at school.
- Utilize the Internet and other web apps with your child (AR, Reflex Math, etc.).
- 3rd-5th grade parents can access Infinite Campus to help keep track of grades throughout the year.
How to Contact Us for More Information, Suggestions, Concerns or to Volunteer at CES
Cohutta Elementary is committed to helping our parents attend the parental activities listed in this plan. Please call or email us if you need assistance with childcare or transportation in order to participate in our programs.
(706) 694-8812 or
Share Your Thoughts
We want to hear from you. In thinking about the students’ and the school’s goals for academic achievement, please let us know of any suggestions you may have.
Please provide us with your comments by filling out this Google Form:
Suggestions and Concerns (academic or school related)
Parent Volunteer Program
If you have not already indicated your willingness to volunteer at Cohutta, please fill out the form below and submit it. Thank you for helping support our students and school.
Parent Volunteer Form